04 February 2009

Fearfully and wonderfully made! That would be us!

I'm doing a wee teaching seminar this weekend on BUILDING ON YOUR STRENGTHS - GOD MADE YOU AWESOME!

So here are some of my thoughts, sort of a pre-seminar taster...

  • I've come to conclude that the Imago Dei is perhaps "bigger" in us as humans than we evangelicals have thought...
  • God has created humanity - men and women - in his image and that image, though tarnished and cracked by sin and our ungodly environment (the world) is strong...
  • (one author says we're "cracked eikons")
  • We are often more conscious of our "fallen-ness" than our our innate barbellsstrengths...
  • We are mostly more concerned about weaknesses than we are strengths...
  • We are afraid to recognize our strengths and therefore cannot actually build on them...
  • We should use our strengths to manage our weaknesses... (I talked a little about this on Sunday at Harvest@5...)
  • There are patterns in our life that display our strengths...

Anyway, it's two sessions - Friday night at 7PM and Saturday morning at 9.  We'll do this in the classroom at Globe International.

And I'm totally pumped!  God has truly made us awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog

    wish I could just jump in the car & come to Globe & catch this weekends teaching



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